Your Spiritual Life Broadcast Weekly
Strategy vs. Tactics
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Your Spiritual Life (the outreach ministry of The Institute).
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Thank you and God Bless You,
Dr. Walker
We find ourselves facing walls, blockage or conflicting situations in our lives more times than we would desire. Our immediate response is to try to get out of these struggling times quickly. Before we realize it, we’ve exert a lot of time and energy using our own tactics to achieve our goals. Unfortunately these seemly good ideas bring us minimal success. That’s because we engaged in our own tactics before learning God’s strategy.
Learning God’s strategy will show us how to move forward, determine if force is needed and if so to what level. It will also give us clarification on the terms and conditions of the tactics we should use to ensure our success in performing them.
Life Experience Exercise:
(Complete each of the following within this week)
Strategy Planning:
#1 Identify: What you are attempting to achieve
The benefits of achieving your goal as it relates to you and others
How you intend to do it
The end results
This is would be your vision or mission statement. Write it down be extra careful to make it plan and clear to you first. If you don’t understand your vision or mission, then:
You will go around in circles aimlessly
You won’t explain it clearly to others causing them to doubt you which can be a problem. Let’s face it, there will always be people who won’t catch or support your vision or purpose; we can accept that. However, there will be a few people that are willing to support your vision if you are able to explain it to them fully. These are the people you want to reach.
You won’t be able to see progress
#2 How and Why are you engaging in your mission. In other words what’s the objective?
What is the purpose for what you’re doing?
This is the short statement or focus point of your vision or mission statement.
This brief and concise explanation will keep you focus on your vision or mission aim.
It will help fortify your articulation of your goal. You’ll feel more confident when you share your vision. You won’t be swayed or easily convinced to go in another direction which can cause you to feel like giving up.
#3 Now that you have a clear vision or mission statement and direct objective statement you must now analyze the problem. What state or condition are you in relative to your purpose. This takes time and requires realistic analysis. You may see your own faults, discover your inabilities and come to the conclusion that you need help or perhaps more preparation.
#4) What steps would you need to take to accomplish your goal? This is now based on what you determined to be the reason for your current stagnation. After discovering what the problem is you must now think of a realistic and obtainable solution and then enforce it. The final stage in strategy planning is known as implementation and enforcement.
Diet: Reading Food Labels Part 2
Cholesterol: Too much cholesterol is not healthy for your heart. Keep your intake of saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol as low as possible.
Sodium (Salt): Salt contains sodium. Research shows that eating less than 2,300 milligrams of sodium (about 1 teaspoon of salt) per day may reduce the risk of high blood pressure.
Fiber: Choose foods that are rich in fiber, such as whole grains, beans, fruits, and vegetables.
Sugar: Try to choose foods with little or no added sugar, such as low-sugar cereals.
Calcium: Choose foods that are high in calcium. Foods that are high in calcium have at least 20-percent DV.