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YSL Broadcast: Facing Walls Part 3 - Rev. Dr. Sheila Walker


Your Spiritual Life Broadcast Weekly




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All Rights Reserved by: Dr. S. Walker, The Institute of Theology and Ministry Training and

Your Spiritual Life (the outreach ministry of The Institute).

This Podcast and its contents may not be copied, duplicated, transcribed/written out, posted to the Internet in any form, posted to any Social Media platform or shared/forwarded to other individuals!


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Thank you and God Bless You,

Dr. Walker


Reflection (which means to think, ponder, meditate) is very helpful when you’re experiencing a blockage in the progression of your goal.

You should think back on:

  1. You’re journey, progress thus far.

  2. The promises God has made

  3. The encouragement and motivation He has given you

  4. The hardship we’ve already endured, the changes we had to accept and, the
    tears we cried to get to where we are now.

Regarding crying:

Crying is natural, spiritual and necessary.


Crying is necessary because it is a way of releasing the harmful toxins from your body that is produced by stress.


After a good cry endorphins are release in your body which helps you to feel better.


It’s not good to hold on to hurt and retain frustration because, they put stress on you emotionally and physically.


Many of the patriots of the Bible including Jesus cried because of the suffering, issues, and challenges they faced. Esau, Moses, Jeremiah, Elisha, Isaiah, Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah and Jesus (John 11:35 “Jesus Wept”)

Understand this, lamenting does not mean that you’re weak or lack faith, It’s realizing the frailty of being human.


To restrain from this natural display of humanness suggest a false level of strength and spiritually.

Life Experience Exercise:

(Complete each of the following within this week)

1. When was the last time you cried out to God over your anxiety, frustration or concerning an issue you are facing?


2. Why do you think it’s so hard for believers to cry?


3. Write your own summary on this discussion.


4. What issue are you holding in your heart that you should release yourself of?


5. How will you apply this life lesson?

Diet: Reading Food Labels Part 1

Food labels may help you make healthy food choices, but they can be confusing. Here are some quick tips for reading food labels:

Check Serving Size and Calories: All the information on a food label is based on the serving size. Be careful—one serving may be much smaller than you think. If you double the servings you eat, you double the calories and nutrients, including the percent Daily Values (DVs).

Percent DV: This number tells you whether a food is high or low in nutrients. Foods that have more than 20-percent DV of a nutrient are high. Foods that have 5-percent DV or less are low.

Saturated Fat: Saturated fat is not healthy for your heart. Compare labels on similar foods and try to choose foods that have 5-percent DV or less for saturated fat. Most of the fats you eat should be polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. Keep total fat intake between 20 percent to 35 percent of your total daily calories.

TIP: Many food labels say “low-fat,” “reduced fat,” or “light.” These claims do not always mean the food is low in calories, however. Remember, fat-free does not mean calorie-free, and calories do count!

Nutrition Facts Label.png

Here's Some Honey for Your Monday

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