Fitness Routines Month 1
1: The number of "Reps" means how many times you perform the exercise. The number of "Sets" means how many times you perform each number of "Reps."
2: Always engage your abs and keep your knees slight meant, this will protect your back (spine) and stablize you as do your exercise.
3: Do Not hold your breath... breathe through your nose... take a deep inhale during the motion and exhale, releasing the motion.
4: Memorize these basic exercises so that you can do them anywhere at any time!
Weeks 1 & 2: 10 Reps 1 Set
Weeks 3 & 4: 15 Reps 1 Set

Bent Over Tricep Extensions:
Bend over with one leg slightly in front of the other. Rest your elbow on the leg that is in front and lean your body forward. On the opposite side, slightly bend your knee, holding your dumbbell up toward your shoulder, and then extend your arm straight back slowly, focusing on your triceps (the back of the upper arm muscles).
Standing Bicep Curls:
Stand with your weight on your heels, knees slightly bent, and abs tight with your arm bent and positioned on your hip; extend your arm, holding the dumbbell at a 90-degree angle; curl your arm upward, hold, and then bring your arm down. Repeat on the other arm.

Lateral Shoulder Raises:
Feet flat with body weight on your heels, legs together, slightly bent knees, tight abs, hold your dumbbell in one hand and place your other hand on your hip. Slowly raise the dumbbell up and straight out and bring it down slowly. Repeat on the other arm after your set.
Weeks 1 & 2: 10 Reps 1 Set
Weeks 3 & 4: 15 Reps 1 Set

Chair Squats:
Engage your core with your legs slightly apart and your arms straight out in front of you; squat as if you are going to sit on the chair (but don't), slightly touching it. Bring yourself up, squeezing your glutes.

Standing Squat:
Feet flat with body weight on your heels, legs apart, knees bent, go down as if you are about to sit and then come up squeezing your glutes and thighs.

Donkey Kicks:
Stabilize yourself on the floor on your hands and knees. Take one bent leg and push it up towards the ceiling without extending it while squeezing your glute. Slowly bring your leg down and alternate with the other leg.

Weeks 1 & 2: 10 Reps 1 Set
Weeks 3 & 4: 15 Reps 1 Set

Cross Crunch Abs:
Lie on the
floor with your knees bent, your arms behind your head. With one knee up, bend the other side of your body toward that knee while engaging your abs to touch your knee with your elbow. Do not put pressure on your neck while doing this! Keep your shoulders, neck, and head slightly off the floor. This is the safe way to do this exercise.
Lay flat on the floor, face down. Lift your body by pushing up on your arms and bent toes for a full extension. Your head should be aligned with your body while looking straight. Engage your abs and glutes while deep breathing. Do Not Hold Your Breath.

Bring one arm back, touching your back, stretching with your other hand, gently pulling it backward. Repeat on opposite side.

Bring one arm across your chest, using your other arm to pull it forward. Repeat on the opposite side.

Gently tilt your head to one side. Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat on the other side.

Gently tilt your head to one side. Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat on the other side.

Stand with one leg bent up toward you, using your hand to gently bend your foot trying to touch your glute. Keep the other leg slightly bent. Repeat on the opposite side. Hold onto something sturdy for balance.

With opened legs, bend one leg, bringing your body towards it to stretch the other leg. Repeat on the opposite side.

Sit on the floor with your legs straight, leaning your body to touch your ankle, engaging your abs. Do not bounce.

Sit on the floor with legs open and bent, holding your ankles. Gently bend forward, engaging your abs. Do not bounce.
All Rights Reserved by The Institute of Theology and Ministry Training and Rev. Dr. Sheila Walker